Symphony of Sorrowful Songs, 2nd movement

The Polish recording featuring Stefania Woytowicz is still the best rendition of Henryk Górecki's Symfonia pieśni żałosnych (Symphony of Sorrowful Songs), Symphony No. 3, Opus 36, 1976. Here is the 2nd movement, Lento e largo tranquillissimo based on the text by Helena Wanda Błażusiakówna, age 18, who scratched these words on the wall of her cell in the Gestapo jail in Zakopane, Poland, on September 26, 1944. Helena survived the war:

Mamo, nie płacz, nie.
Mom, don’t cry, no.

Niebios Przeczysta Królowo,
Heaven’s Purest Queen,

Ty zawsze wspieraj mnie.
You always protect me.

Zdrowaś Mario.
Hail Mary.

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