O Vos Omnes

So that you may follow along as you listen to the music, here's the literal word-for-word translation of Lamentations 1.12. My favorite setting is by Pablo Casals 1932, https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4JCzX9CR9nIhjm7A5Vsfzq?si=b1b23b59a22c468f
O vos omnes qui transitis per viam:
O you all who pass by (the) way:
attendite et videte si est dolor sicut dolor meus.
attend and see if there’s sorrow as sorrow my.
O — O
vos — you
omnes — all
qui — who
transitis — pass
per — by
viam: — (the) way:
Attendite — Attend
et — and
videte — see
si — if
est — there's
dolor — sorrow
sicut — as
dolor — sorrow
meus. — my.