Lausanne's Seoul Statement — a creed

Here's a 275-word abridgment of Section V of The Seoul Statement from the Fourth Lausanne Congress convened in Korea in 2024 which is over 1,100 words long (see, intended for use as a creed or affirmation of faith in a worship service:
We commit ourselves to the following affirmations:
A disciple conforms to the good news of Christ’s incarnation, life, death, resurrection, and ascension; by which God has saved his people from their sins
and—through the outpouring of the Spirit by the ascended Christ—graciously granted them the power to live under his holy and righteous rule.
We affirm that:
The mission of God’s people is to make disciples, who obey all that the Lord taught.
We affirm that:
We cannot make disciples without a deep engagement with a broken world. Our evangelistic task is to announce the message of a crucified Messiah, as we live lives that accord with that message, with the aim of seeing others formed in this same pattern of life.
We affirm that:
Like seed planted in good soil, this transformation takes place gradually over the course of a lifetime, in which the increase of holiness and love demonstrates the reality of the gospel’s transforming power.
We affirm that:
A church grows and matures as its corporate life reflects Christ crucified. Within the church, believers learn to conduct themselves as citizens of heaven by mediating grace to their fellow believers. Within the church, we learn: to see the whole of life as worship, to seek the good of those outside the church, and to work for the restoration of the world in all we do.
We affirm that:
Churches play a vital role in providing accountability, and modeling healthy patterns of leadership and governance. Those called to ministry outside local churches must remain connected to the local church, as the embodiment of the new humanity that God is forming in Christ.