Timeline of Fleeing for Fear

When you give a narcissist power . . . you get autocracy. Narcissism + Power = Autocracy. Autocracy is the institutionalized manifestation of narcissism. The more narcissistic and the more power, the worse the autocracy. Narcissists care about only one thing: the Self. Self-actualization is the name of the game. The unfettered desires of the
Despite our claim to be followers of our crucified Lord . . .
Here's a 275-word abridgment of Section V of The Seoul Statement from the Fourth Lausanne Congress convened in Korea in 2024 which is over 1,100 words long (see lausanne.org/statement/the-seoul-statement), intended for use as a creed or affirmation of faith in a worship service: We
Law (torah) appears 10 times in the latter portion of Psalm 119 (verses 105 to 176) — here are 32 theological implications about Yahweh from those verses. As I tease out these theological implications, I will employ my preferred translation of torah (tôrâ) as "code of conduct": Psalm 119.