Timeline of Passover in Enemy Territory with Examen

Examining Ourselves


• Like Joshua, do I trust the Triune God to fulfill — either in this mortal life or in my resurrected life — his good promises and good reign in my life?
• What is one area in my life where I am tempted to not fully trust God?
• Our Father, what’s one practical step you want me to take this week to strengthen my trust in you?


• Like Moses, is my self-identity deeply rooted in my relationship with Father God?
• What is one thing that tempts me away from fully dwelling in God’s love 24/7 ?
• Our Father, what’s one practical step you want me to take this week to strengthen my attachment to you?


• Like Jesus, do I persist in the hope — no matter how much I suffer — that I will have the joy of being in the full presence of the Father?
• What is one way the Enemy plants his discouraging lie in my heart to think God’s future reward will not be enough to make up for all that I have ever suffered?
• Our Father, what’s one practical step you want me to take this week to strengthen my patient hope of being in your full presence?

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