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Behind every thriving parish is an angel. On this mortal side of eternity, given our limited senses of perception, we call them “Parish Office Administrators”. But we know that they actually are angelic beings whom God sends us from the far side of eternity because they transcend both time and space — or at least both rectors and curates.

And the parishes upon whom God’s favor especially shines . . . well, upon them he sends his arch-angels. You can tell you’ve got an archangel by these 7 tell-tale signs:

  1. Effortlessness — whereas rectors and curates embody being effort-less, archangels seem to accomplish their task while you’re blinking your eyes . . . and if you nip out for a coffee, by the time you get back, the archangel will be done with her whole week’s work.
  2. Accountability — whereas clergy are forever dispensing extensions of deadlines to themselves, archangels are holding our feet to the fire . . . for their heavenly wisdom knows that calendars and schedules and planning ahead are not the punishments of a killjoy God but the divine disciplines we need in this fallen world where time is fleeting.
  3. Frugality — whereas clergy are spendthrifts always asking forgiveness after they have exceeded the budget, archangels are the workers of miracles, creating leftovers where there was no budget from the select vestry to begin with . . . resourcefulness in the face of meagre means is a give-away hallmark of a true archangel.
  4. Backbone — whereas clergy have a weakness for being “nice”, given that they are in bondage to pleasing people, not so the archangel . . . hell hath no fury like the archangel who must warn a dim-witted curate — especially those migrant workers that the Home Office has let slip through — that “We don’t do things that way around here!” . . . suffice it to say, archangels clearly are not governed by a fear-of-man, let alone a fear-of-the-collar.
  5. Graciousness — whereas clergy are founts of saccharine sentimentality, archangels can be counted on to dole out genuine Godly grace . . . even when a double lashing is called for, archangels intuit the heart and know when a timely word of grace, kindness, and gentleness is needed to encourage the clueless curate.
  6. Joy — whereas clergy can be given to vacillate between the extremes of somberness and frivolity, archangels know how to take their Lord seriously but not themselves, and how to have good fun and bless those around them with their deep hearty laugh and the glitter in their eyes.
  7. Glory — whereas the clergy can be given to pretend to know the presence of the Almighty, the last but not least sign that you are entertaining an archangel is the beauty of their smile, their beaming face, and their ginger hair — which, like Moses’s veiled face, are reflections of the full glory of God but muted so as to not overwhelm.

It must be recognized by now, that archangels are extremely rare creatures. For who could fit the bill of not just 3 or 4 of these marks, but who could tick every box? And how do I know about all of these qualities of archangels? It is because in my 30-some years of church leadership, I have had the privilege knowing one Parish Office Administrator who has indeed embodied all of these traits in a seamless life: the incomparable Ann King.

In all seriousness, Ann, in all of these ways you were a true blessing to me and whenever I think of Magheralin, you are there as one of the fondest and good memories that I continue to treasure and always will. May God bless you and yours for many years to come. And we shall look forward to a little reunion, this side or the next.

In Jesus who is our Good News,

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